
Wellbeing Listener Introduction

We’ve recorded the Wellbeing Listener Introduction – Take this opportunity to watch it and learn how do experience connected, loving relationships through listening

Everyday Magic

Magic is everywhere… it’s time to wake up to it again

I Love You

Slipping through the battle-ground of dementia into the magic space of connection and love

Learning From Dinosaurs

What happens when we see through the stories of monsters and heroes? If you really want to change the world then seeing through your stories, rather than vanquishing the enemy is what will make the biggest difference.

Inner Compass Podcast

Podcast 56 PTSD and Hope

Is there really a way through PTSD? Yes -there is hope. Listen to psychiatrist Dr Gogoi and veteran Rob Cook explain a possible journey through PTSD towards peace-of-mind

Everything Ivybridge Podcast

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How can you uncover your in-built resilience and wellbeing? What’s the best way to share a message of wellbeing with others? The Inner Compass can guide you.

We’ve been sharing the Inside-Out understanding around the world for many years. Find out about Inner Compass courses, events and coaching.

Do you want to find out more about Inner Compass? Or have questions about the Inside-Out (Three Principles) understanding? Get in touch.

Discover how the Inner Compass can guide you

How can you uncover your in-built resilience and wellbeing? What’s the best way to share a message of wellbeing with others? The Inner Compass can guide you.

Find out about courses, events and coaching

We’ve been sharing the Inside-Out understanding around the world for many years. Find out about Inner Compass courses, events and coaching.


Get in touch with us to start a conversation

Do you want to find out more about Inner Compass? Or have questions about the Inside-Out (Three Principles) understanding? Get in touch.